41 research outputs found

    Practice of law in the provisioning of accessibility facilities for person with disabilities in Malaysia

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    Malaysia’s significant changes can be seen clearly through the improvement of social welfare of the disabled and people with disabilities. Although the governments has carried out various policies and provide facilities as well as provision for the disabled but there are still many obstacles encountered by people with disabilities, especially the legal and the accessibility of facilities and services. Therefore, this paper attempts to discuss the practice of law relating of legal procedure particularly for disabled users which affects the movement of these people from one destination to another. This paper discusses the practice of law adopted in the preparation of facilities for disabled people to help them make movement independently. The study was conducted by secondary data to the Malaysia legal and policies for disabled person by comparing with United Kingdom (UK). Malaysia has come out with a strong legal framework for disabled person through People with Disabilities Act 2008 (Act 685). There are several areas in the act that still can be improved to support disabled person

    Establishing a Relationship Model of Project Finance Factors Influencing Economic Development: Case Study of Abu Dhabi Economic Department

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    Project finance plays a key role in supporting UAE's infrastructure projects, driving economic growth and job creation. This financing approach isolates project funding from a sponsor's corporate debt, simplifying investment tracking and reducing the risk of underinvestment due to excessive debt. Nevertheless, it faces challenges from government regulations, political factors, environmental concerns, and complex procedures. Thus, this paper presents a study to investigate the relationship between project finance factors and economic development indicators. The relationship is translated to a PLS-SEM model development and assessment. To develop the model, the study adopted quantitative research approach where the data for the model was collected through a questionnaire survey using judgmental sampling for convenience. The sample size for the model is from 269 respondents, who are the employees in the Economic Department workforce in Abu Dhabi. The model's development and evaluation were conducted using SmartPLS software. The evaluation encompassed two stages: measurement and structural components, with the model successfully meeting all evaluation criteria. The results of hypothesis testing revealed that the relationships between Project Scope and Identifying Risk constructs with Economic Development construct are statistically significant with the strength 0f 0.520 and 0.227 respectively. Unfortunately, the relationships between Market Entry Strategy and Origination Capabilities with Economic Development are not statistically significant. In terms of model’s goodness of fit, the model demonstrated a substantial overall explanatory power with GoF values of 0.667. While, the model’s predictive relevancy with Q² value is 0.443, indicating how well the model can forecast economic development. In suggesting that the model explains approximately 44.3% of the variability in economic development. The findings of this study hold potential benefits for Economic Department employees dealing with project finance challenge

    An Effectiveness of Group Model Coaching for Improving Life Balance Among Youth

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    Life imbalanced amongst youth regarding moral, behaviour and personality problems have been discussed in many studies. However, not many of these research articles discussed on effective interventions process to improve the imbalance especially on youth life. Hence, this study offers a methodology on conducting an effectiveness intervention to improvise youth life-balance. A group of 90 youths were selected from a secondary school to participate the intervention process based on their low academic performance. First phase of the intervention was to investigate the imbalanced elements using a modified Wheel of Life which consisted of 8 elements with 10-points scale. During the investigation session, youth are required to shed the modified Wheel of Life based on individual perspective. The coach analysed all the 90 shaded Wheel of Life and found that personality and discipline element has the lowest score. Then, only 9 youth that having lowest score in this element are grouped and proceed to second phase which is called coaching session. In this session, the youth have undergone 5 interaction sessions where the first session is known as ice breaking activity then followed by another 4 interactions coaching sessions using GROUP model approach. The purpose of ice breaking session was to gain rapport amongst youth.  Then during the GROUP model coaching session, a pre and post coaching forms were prepared and filled by the youth to gauge their life balance status. These GROUP model coaching sessions continued until the fourth session. Then, the pre and post coaching forms were analysed to quantify the impact of the coaching sessions on the youth personality and discipline element. For the last phase, the results of these coaching sessions were validated through the interview session with the teachers and parents of the youth. It was found that the average effectiveness percentage of the GROUP model coaching is 72.95%.  It is hope that this study contributes new knowledge on intervention process to improvise youth life balance

    Current issue in corporate waqf in Malaysia

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    Corporate waqf is still new for the contemporary Islamic studies in Malaysia. There are limited resources and guidance to explain about corporate waqf. The purposes of this study are to explore the issues, concept and development of corporate waqf. Current structure for corporate waqf also being explored as part of case studies. This paper provides several perspectives and suggestions to this issue. The methodology for this study is secondary data approach by using the data analysis from the related journal and paper. The subject for this study is Selangor Muamalat. This paper come out with the concept and development of the contemporary waqf focused on corporate waqf and there are five current issues identified in the contemporary waqf. Next, seven proposed action plans are suggested to cover the issues. Lastly, the structure of Selangor Muamalat is analyses by focusing on the management structure, financial and operational framework and the Shariah consideration towards Selangor Muamalat structure

    Effects of Mg2+, Fe3+, Mn2+ and Cu2+ Ions on lipid accumulation by cunninghamella bainieri 2A1

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    Cunninghamella bainieri 2A1 is an oleaginous fungus whose lipid accumulation profile is significantly influenced by metal ion concentrations in growth medium. Mg2+, Fe3+, Mn2+ and Cu2+ were found to be the important elements affecting lipid accumulation in this fungus. This study employs a statistical method (Response Surface Methodology – RSM) to study the combined effects of Mg2+, Fe3+, Mn2+ and Cu2+ on lipid accumulation of C. baineri 2A1. Cultivation was carried out in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 mL nitrogen limited medium at 30ºC and 250 rpm agitation for 120 h. A thirty-run central composite design experiment was employed to identify and optimize the significant factors. In addition to Mg2+ and Fe3+ which were shown to have significant effects on lipid accumulation, the interactions between Mg2+ and Cu2+, as well as the effect of Cu2+ in quadratic terms were also found to have significant effect on the process (p<0.05). The highest amount of lipid obtained in this study was 39% g/g biomass with optimal levels of Mg2+, Fe3+ and Cu2+ at 5.00, 0.017 and 0.0005 g/L, respectively, while Mn2+ was omitted. A 32% increment in lipid yield was recorded, where the lipid content increased to 38%, compared to initial yield of 29% g/g biomass prior to optimization. In conclusion, Mg2+ and Fe3+ have significant positive effect on the lipid accumulation of this fungus, whereas Mn2+ and Cu2+ exert negative effects in combination

    Optimisation of ammonium tartrate and glucose concentration for gamma linolenic acid production by Cunninghamella sp. 2A1.

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    The effects of ammonium tartrate and glucose concentration on biomass, lipid and GLA accumulation in Cunninghamella sp. 2A1 were investigated using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Cultivation was carried out in 250 mL shake flask containing 100 mL of nitrogen limiting medium (with various combinations of concentration of ammonium tartrate (1-3 g/L) and glucose (30-60 g/L) at 30°C and 250 rpm agitation for 120 h. The concentration of both compounds significantly affected the biomass, lipid and GLA yield (p<0.05), with the production of each of them being represented by quadratic models. Higher concentration of ammonium tartrate and glucose (2.99 and 59.33 g/L, respectively) was required for enhanced biomass production whereas low nitrogen content with excess glucose was otherwise favoured for lipid and GLA production. Ammonium tartrate and glucose concentration at 1 and 43 g/L, respectively were estimated by the model and proven to give the highest lipid production and GLA yield of 31.06 % (g/g biomass) and 4.15 ×10-2 (g/g lipid less biomass), respectively

    Innovative Food and Its Effects toward Consumers’ Purchase Intention of Fast Food Product

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    Abstract: This study is about the discoveries on innovative food and its effects toward consumers’ purchase intention of fast food products in Malaysia. The research aims to investigate whether consumers really consider the innovation factor when making decision to purchase the fast food products. The findings of the study indicated that there is less influence of innovative food on the consumers’ purchase intention which emphasizes more on the ‘output’ (which is the end products) rather than ‘input’ (which is raw materials used in producing the foods). Innovative food is being too narrowly defined by the consumers’ as only a technology-related part of innovations. Whereas innovative food could be perceived in a broader scope such as product innovation, process innovation, organizational innovation and market innovation. The result has shown some differences with the previous literature where food innovativeness were found to have positive relationship toward the consumers’ satisfaction. Hence, this study is expected to contribute to the existing knowledge on the dimension of consumer purchase intention to the industry players as well as academicians. Future research should focus on the similar study with the extended scope to other fast food restaurants in Malaysia. By doing this, hopefully we can get a clearer picture on the existing and new variables which can be further examined. Key words: Innovative Food; Freshness; Presentation; Taste; Fast Food RestaurantRésumé: Cette étude porte sur les découvertes concernant les denrées alimentaires innovantes et de ses effets à l'intention d’achats des consommateurs sur les produits de restauration rapide en Malaisie. La recherche vise à déterminer si les consommateurs ont vraiment considérer le facteur de l'innovation lors de la décision d'achat des produits de restauration rapide. Les conclusions de l'étude indiquent qu'il y a moins d'influence de la nourriture innovantes sur l’'intention d' achat des consommateurs qui met l'accent plus sur la «production» (ce qui est produit fini) plutôt que «input» (ce qui est de matière première utilisée dans la production des aliments ). Les alimentaires innovants sont trop étroitement définie par les consommateurs car seule une partie de technologie liés à des innovations. Considérant que les aliments innovants pourrait être perçue dans un plus large champ d'application tels que l'innovation produit, innovation de processus, l'innovation organisationnelle et innovation sur le marché. Le résultat a montré quelques différences avec la littérature antérieure, où l'innovation alimentaire a été trouvée à avoir des relations positives à l'égard de la satisfaction des consommateurs. Ainsi, cette étude devrait contribuer aux connaissances existantes sur la dimension de l'intention d'achat des consommateurs pour les joueurs de l'industrie ainsi que des universitaires. Les recherches futures devraient se concentrer sur l'étude similaire avec le champ d'application étendu à d'autres restauration rapide en Malaisie. En faisant cela, j'espère que nous pourrons obtenir une image plus claire sur les nouveaux et les variables existantes qui peuvent être examinées plus avant. Mots clés: Aliments innovants; Fraîcheur; Présentation; Goût; Restauration rapid

    Kerelevanan wakaf dalam mengurus tanah terbiar di Malaysia

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    Sejak sekian lamanya tanah terbiar menjadi isu yang penting diperingkat nasional. Pelbagai usaha telah dijalankan bagi membolehkan tanah-tanah ini diusahakan serta dimajukan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan pendekatan alternatif yang sesuai dalam mengurus tanah terbiar. Ia dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan wakaf yang sesuai dalam mempertimbangkan cara mengurus tanah terbiar. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan data sekunder yang diperoleh daripada dokumen rasmi dan serta kajian lepas. Dapatan kajian mendapati fokus diberikan terhadap faktor dan usahan kerajaan untuk menanganinya. Hal ini menjelaskan bahawa usaha untuk merungkai tanah terbiar bukanlah satu penekanan yang perlu diperhatikan tetapi fokus paling penting adalah bagaimana tanah-tanah terbiar ini boleh diuruskan dengan baik. Terdapat banyak kajian yang telah menyentuh faktor dan sebab berlakunya tanah pertanian terbiar. Namun, kajian yang menumpu kepada jalan penyelesaian dalam mengurus tanah pertanian terbiar masih kurang dijalankan. Oleh yang demikian, fokus terhadap kaedah wakaf dalam mengurus tanah terbiar telag diperincikan. Pendekatan wakaf dilihat rasional dalam mengurus tanah-tanah terbiar milik orang Melayu khususnya. Ini kerana wakaf bukan sahaja nerupakan satu bentuk amalan yang memberi fokus terhadap agama, namun ia juga memberi penekanan terhadap pembangunan ekonomi ummah. Hal ini jelas apabila wakaf mempunyai kaedah-kaedah yang tertentu dalam membantu menyelesaikan isu yang berkaitan dengan pengurusan harta

    Julat rujukan bagi jumlah homosisteina dalam plasma di kalangan kanak-kanak di Malaysia

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    Homosisteinemia merupakan salah satu penyakit kepincangan metabolisme terwaris (IEM) yang menyebabkan peningkatan paras homosisteina. Homosisteina adalah salah satu asid amino mengandungi sulfur yang mempunyai kumpulan thiol yang dibentuk hasil daripada proses demetilasi asid amino methionina. Dalam penyakit kepincangan metabolisme terwaris (inborn errors of metabolism – IEM), terdapat tujuh jenis penyakit berpunca daripada kekurangan enzim yang terlibat dalam metabolisme homosisteina. Paras jumlah homosisteina adalah berbeza mengikut jenis penyakit akibat kekurangan enzim ini. Maka, terdapat keperluan bagi mewujudkan suatu julat rujukan untuk membezakan antara populasi normal dengan populasi berpenyakit. Kajian ini menerangkan penemuan berkenaan julat rujukan bagi jumlah homosisteina di kalangan kanak-kanak di Malaysia. Sebanyak 3 ml darah telah diambil daripada 86 individu normal (52 orang kanak-kanak lelaki dan 34 orang kanak-kanak perempuan) dan seterusnya diproses serta dianalisis menggunakan kaedah kromatografi cecair berprestasi tinggi jenis fasa penukar ion (HPLC-IEC). Hasil kajian mendapati min jumlah homosisteina bagi keseluruhan populasi rujukan ialah sebanyak 8.1 ± 3.89 μM (95% selang keyakinan 7.3-8.9 μM). Julat rujukan sedia ada bagi populasi rujukan adalah sebanyak 2.5 – 16.2 μM dengan had pemutus terendah (lower cut-off) dan had pemutus teratas (upper cut-off) masing-masing adalah 1.0 μM dan 21.0 μM. Julat tersebut didapati agak tinggi berbanding dengan penyelidik luar. Penemuan julat rujukan bagi jumlah homosisteina untuk populasi kanak-kanak di Malaysia yang terbaru ini dapat mengurangkan jumlah kadar positif palsu semasa proses diagnosis penyakit dilakukan

    Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background: In an era of shifting global agendas and expanded emphasis on non-communicable diseases and injuries along with communicable diseases, sound evidence on trends by cause at the national level is essential. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) provides a systematic scientific assessment of published, publicly available, and contributed data on incidence, prevalence, and mortality for a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of diseases and injuries. Methods: GBD estimates incidence, prevalence, mortality, years of life lost (YLLs), years lived with disability (YLDs), and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) due to 369 diseases and injuries, for two sexes, and for 204 countries and territories. Input data were extracted from censuses, household surveys, civil registration and vital statistics, disease registries, health service use, air pollution monitors, satellite imaging, disease notifications, and other sources. Cause-specific death rates and cause fractions were calculated using the Cause of Death Ensemble model and spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression. Cause-specific deaths were adjusted to match the total all-cause deaths calculated as part of the GBD population, fertility, and mortality estimates. Deaths were multiplied by standard life expectancy at each age to calculate YLLs. A Bayesian meta-regression modelling tool, DisMod-MR 2.1, was used to ensure consistency between incidence, prevalence, remission, excess mortality, and cause-specific mortality for most causes. Prevalence estimates were multiplied by disability weights for mutually exclusive sequelae of diseases and injuries to calculate YLDs. We considered results in the context of the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a composite indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and fertility rate in females younger than 25 years. Uncertainty intervals (UIs) were generated for every metric using the 25th and 975th ordered 1000 draw values of the posterior distribution. Findings: Global health has steadily improved over the past 30 years as measured by age-standardised DALY rates. After taking into account population growth and ageing, the absolute number of DALYs has remained stable. Since 2010, the pace of decline in global age-standardised DALY rates has accelerated in age groups younger than 50 years compared with the 1990–2010 time period, with the greatest annualised rate of decline occurring in the 0–9-year age group. Six infectious diseases were among the top ten causes of DALYs in children younger than 10 years in 2019: lower respiratory infections (ranked second), diarrhoeal diseases (third), malaria (fifth), meningitis (sixth), whooping cough (ninth), and sexually transmitted infections (which, in this age group, is fully accounted for by congenital syphilis; ranked tenth). In adolescents aged 10–24 years, three injury causes were among the top causes of DALYs: road injuries (ranked first), self-harm (third), and interpersonal violence (fifth). Five of the causes that were in the top ten for ages 10–24 years were also in the top ten in the 25–49-year age group: road injuries (ranked first), HIV/AIDS (second), low back pain (fourth), headache disorders (fifth), and depressive disorders (sixth). In 2019, ischaemic heart disease and stroke were the top-ranked causes of DALYs in both the 50–74-year and 75-years-and-older age groups. Since 1990, there has been a marked shift towards a greater proportion of burden due to YLDs from non-communicable diseases and injuries. In 2019, there were 11 countries where non-communicable disease and injury YLDs constituted more than half of all disease burden. Decreases in age-standardised DALY rates have accelerated over the past decade in countries at the lower end of the SDI range, while improvements have started to stagnate or even reverse in countries with higher SDI. Interpretation: As disability becomes an increasingly large component of disease burden and a larger component of health expenditure, greater research and developm nt investment is needed to identify new, more effective intervention strategies. With a rapidly ageing global population, the demands on health services to deal with disabling outcomes, which increase with age, will require policy makers to anticipate these changes. The mix of universal and more geographically specific influences on health reinforces the need for regular reporting on population health in detail and by underlying cause to help decision makers to identify success stories of disease control to emulate, as well as opportunities to improve. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 licens